Wednesday, March 7, 2007

When's enough.... enough?

Now. That's when!

1 week ago today, in the middle of the night, I woke up with a head-splitting tension headache, possibly a migraine. I took some meds and fortunately fell back to sleep. On Thursday evening I had a friend over and some sniffles - I attributed them to the miserable 2 weeks of allergy that seem to come upon me every year at this time. Boy, was I wrong. I woke up on Friday morning with a high fever, stopped up nose AND a migraine. This, I am told, is the nasty flu for this year.

You'd think it'd go away. At least some of it. Nuh-uh. Here we are on a beautiful Wednesday morning, with a high fever that hasn't gone away since Friday (and I have the fever blisters to prove it), a stuffy nose and a migraine (I think you stop feeling the ENTIRE effect after awhile).

Enough already! I've missed going over to friend's house to play pool, a friend's surprise birthday party, going swimming with my kids (of course, I HAVEN'T missed cleaning and all of the other assorted household things that have been put on hold) and other assorted fun things to do.

Dear Flu, GO AWAY!

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