Thursday, March 8, 2007


How many times in my life have I heard "when I was a kid...."? How many times have YOU heard it?

Well, here goes. When I was a kid, there were hyper kids, quiet kids, kids that did what they were told, kids that didn't. Rich kids, poor kids, talented kids, average kids. I miss that. Now there are kids with ADD, ADHD, ODD (??? aren't kids SUPPOSED to be defiant ???), pleasers, rebels, advantaged, disadvantaged, etc. You get the point.

When did we, as young parents, decide that it was okay for others to label our kids and feed them all kinds of "medications" designed to "quiet" them into an obedient stupor when it was our generation, growing up, was all about getting rid of labels?

Don't medicate your kids if you don't HAVE to, people! There are extremes,of course, as there always have been - but those are rare. Not 10 to a class.

QUESTION your health providers. GET second opinions. DON'T ALLOW your child to miss his/her childhood in a daze of over-prescribed/under-required medications. And, most of all, DO NOT allow your child's teacher(s) to convince you otherwise just so that he/she can have a "more orderly teaching environment".

Oh, and my flu? It went away.

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