Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1 Week

That's all it takes to:

1. Forget to blog
2. Host in-laws and friends that we haven't seen for 2 years (the friends, not the in-laws)
3. Cast a show and do the marketing/publicity for the show that goes up next week (eek)!
4. Go slightly crazy 'cause the kids are both home and so am I.
5. Read 2 books - 1 that I've read before and another that I won't read again
6. Have hip pain, not have hip pain, have hip pain, not have hip pain, etc.....
7. Learn that my sister has earned an undergrad RN position at her hospital!
8. Soccer Games, soccer practices, Tae Kwon Do, kids' friends over, dance lessons, swimming lessons, pre-school, owies, boo-boos, grocery shopping, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, laundry, floors, bathrooms and making space for our guests.
9. Update website and continue business plan/website development for Project Food for Thought


10. Wonder what he heck to blog about. Is there anything anyone would particularly like to know about me/what I do/???

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