Sunday, March 11, 2007


I have been such a moody cow lately! Sorry about that. I haven't been feeling the greatest (Flu's gone, but I've still got a fever... what's up with that???) and there's some stuff going on with my grandparents that I'm worried about. I'm afraid that I even took it out on my Mum when she called tonight.

A long time ago, I saw a really (really) crappy show with a horrible woman that loved to talk down to people; however, she did do and say something to the kids that has stuck with me, and I'm going to share it! After some sort of quarrel complete with tears, she handed the kids each a spoon and a tube of toothpaste. She asked them to squirt the toothpaste out onto their spoons. Then she asked them to try to put the toothpaste BACK INTO THE TUBES. Not possible, right? Right. Her point? Words are like toothpaste. Once they're out, you can't put them back... so think carefully about what you say.

That's MY lesson for today. Hopefully I'll remember that next time I try to speak without thinking.

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