Monday, February 26, 2007


There's a new animal in town and it's called Peri-Menopause. If you don't know what it is, join the other 9.5 out of 10 women that don't either. Until they do.

Peri-menopause is a nasty little jobbie that is so confusing and so many women (like myself) go through it without thinking it's hormonal. They (like me) think they're going crazy. Really.

Here's an explanation of what it is, the signs and symptoms and what you can expect. Knowing what to expect helps. Really.

Peri-menopause is the first stage of menopause and can last 4-8 years. It usually begins to happen around the age of 40 (I'm early, apparently that's common). It's signs and symptoms, though confusing and many, include: mood swings (PMS from HELL), very low/unusually high libido and mistakenly thinking that you're having emotional problems (that was MY big thing)... in this phase, one's estrogen levels are often higher than when we're in our 20s (up to 30% higher, and that's saying something). As high as the estrogen levels are, however, they can't be reliably tested as they fluctuate, wildly at times - which is the cause of the emotional tie-in (apparently if you suffer from PMS or have suffered from Post-Partum Depression, these symptoms can be much worse). Symptoms (during your period) also include difficulty sleeping, migraine and/or tension headaches, heavy periods or night sweats, swollen breasts, water retention/bloating, increased irritability, depression and forgetfulness.

Another little known fact is that the hormone, inhibin (it puts the brakes on the production of eggs in the ovaries) depletes and allows the FSH to increase, stimulating several eggs rather than just one. Scary, huh?

Equally scary is the fact that there is seemingly little or no help during this time - some are treated with mild estrogen, but often this makes symptoms worse. Naturopathy seems to be the most recommended treatment - or you can suffer through. Most women (like myself)are unlikely to become uncomfortable enough to seek help until this period is nearly 1/2 done (no kidding).

Thought you'd like to know.

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