Monday, December 18, 2006

Terry Pratchett is my Hero.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading what I have (so far) of the discworld series by Terry Pratchett. His unique outlook on humanity, death (personified), government and war, to name only a few of his touched-on subjects, has both entertained and amused my husband and I. All of this was put into new light the moment I picked up Darwin's Watch - another of his novels. The thoughtful intelligence that went into, particularly, Chapter 2 - his description of Science v. Theology/Religion amd the differences in method/thought principal was amazing. I was Amazed. That chapter alone has made me re-examine all of the novels that I have thusfar read - and the deeper understanding of this author's very intelligent point of view.

Thank you, Mr. Pratchett, for so eloquently arguing what has been such a hot subject for better than a century.

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