Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Post Urban?

Hi. My name (for the purposes of this blog) is Urban. I am a 30-something semi-recovered Urbanite... meaning I don't live in the city anymore, but certainly miss its conveniences at times - as well as those people that made it what it is.

One of these days, I'm going to change my e-mail address. I still get funny looks from the folks here in suburbia. I tell ya, you can take a girl out of a small-town-gone big, but removing said town from said girl's psyche is at least a bit more challenging. Life here is certainly more relaxed. I enjoy it, but I think I still jones for the busy-ness that I had before. Finding new life in a new town isn't easy. People have their families, their friends. It has been challenging for me.


MJ said...

Once a city girl, always a city girl! The tricky part is finding a way to appreciate both worlds. The city has a lot to offer, but so does the 'burbs.

It took me almost two years to adjust to life in the suburbs. I travel 3 hours a day to commute into the city for work. It’s a heck of a commute but I get to spend my mornings in the midst of all the excitement, and my nights in the peace and quiet of the country.

It’s all about finding a balance that works for you!

Urban said...

Thanks, MJ