Thursday, December 28, 2006

The day after the day after the day after Christmas!

Yes, it is in fact the day after the day after the day after Christmas. Did you fare well? We had a great time with friends (our first time hosting friends rather than family; and their first time away from the kitchen). Fortunately the last of the flu hit and left on Christmas Eve - I was SO worried that we'd (one or all) be sick for the BIG DAY.

Our friends moved away from here fairly recently (March), and we've all found it hard to find time to be together that didn't require too much PLANNING. That's where it falls down when friends move away, isn't it... friendships are far to important to allow something as inconsequential as distance (this IS the 21st century, people) get in the way. I can see it having been a hurdle in the past - particularly when my grandfather (who is about to be 101!... but is he the eldest? NO - his big sis just turned 103! AND they both live independently! Glad I get THOSE genes) was a boy - I mean, come on, walking 5 miles to school? Can you see your KIDS doing that? No, me neither.

AAAnyway. I had a fantastic Christmas - and Boxing Day. My hubby's parents came over and spent a couple of nights here to help us celebrate. Tonight we're on our own, then it's MY parents turn! I managed to get everything that I wanted to get for everyone, except my eldest daughter -- where DOES one find Electronic Battleship??? I got just a bit spoiled too... my favs? I got an IPOD (yay!) and a load of Body Shop stuff (I LOVE The Body Shop) - new discover is the satsuma body scrub followed with satsuma body butter. Do I ever smell good!

How was yours?

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