Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Today was a day of firsts.... first day of my new job, first day of school for my oldest, first day of daycare for my youngest, first day of classes for Leon... a lot of very busy firsts. Today was also the 11th anniversary of the day we got married.

The next few weeks will be interesting. My soon-to-be-separated-from husband is trying to find a place for the 15th, which will be another first. Some days it feels like there's SO MUCH going on, others like nothing has changed.

Went to Vancouver for most of the long weekend... yes, went to the PNE as well. I truly can't believe how popular the fair is, even after all this time. It was one of the best weekends of my year, so far - but I must say... Vancouver, Mr. Sullivan, PLEASE resolve the strike issue... soon... and to the Union members and officials... PLEASE don't be greedy - you are all paid very well for what you do.

That's all folks... more updates when/as they warrant.

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