Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oh, help.

I'm not sure what to do, where to turn, who to talk to, what to say.

I seem to be being made out as the "bad guy" in this separation... dammit, it just *is*.

My Dad all but hung up on me the other night, when I told him L was moving out on Saturday... and yet when L called them to tell them, he was invited out to play golf! JEEZus!

Another example? Alright then. L and the girls went to Granny's for an overnight visit last weekend... my parents joined them for lunch and they offered L any help he needed. None of these offers have come to me... these people don't ask me how I'm doing - how I'm feeling. I want to stamp my feet and scream but you're MY family... I'm the one that you're supposed to support.

This, in addition to the week of turmoil... guilt over daycare, my baby attending Kindergarden, learning a new job, helping L pack and choose which things he'll take with him.... have left me feeling quite alone.


Mrs. Dymund said...

O sweetheart. That blows. This can't be easy for any of you. And I'm here. Not near, but here. If it helps.

Urban said...

Thank you, love.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help. I am thinking of you and offer virtual hugs aplenty.