Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It Works!

I Hope...

Between work and home, I've been finding that home especially has been getting a wee bit overwhelming... cleaning, laundry, being responsible for the lives and welfare of 3 other people... y'know. Home, in and of itself isn't SO bad if it's the ONLY thing... but add onto it the schedule of a self-employed person and it gets crazy.

So yesterday I decided that I had to do something about it. I've said it before, and tried it before in various incarnations: but this time it might stick. It's a little something I call the "Job Jar".

I've written down all of the things that need to be done around here on a daily basis - from emptying the dishwasher right through to cleaning up the dog poop outside - and I've put them in a jar. The plan is that every morning, EVERYONE in the family picks one slip out of the jar and is responsible for that job all day (no trading!) - that means 3 less things for me to do everyday (though I'll still be responsible for the rest). It's a Good Start.

*Hopefully* it will be 2 slips soon...

*update* : It's working :) - J (my youngest) is SO eager to help that she takes a slip, does the task and comes back asking for another! C on the other hand will DO the chore... but requires help and supervision because she doesn't like to do the "nasty" jobs like taking out the garbage and recycling. *sigh* Also? I don't think C has even taken a slip yet - but I DID get help cleaning up yesterday. YAY!

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