Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saying Good Bye

I've never been a big fan of good-bye... I find it difficult to leave the company of friends and family, though I tend to be a bit of a loner. Good bye to clients and coworkers is often difficult too, because there is always more to say...

To this year, however, goodbye will be easy. 2009 (as evidenced in SO many blog posts) has been a very difficult year - but one that has nevertheless left me (and us) with a sense of achievement... managing through the ridiculousness of life and coming out the other side stronger and wiser and with a sense of having survived, if nothing else.

So, to 2009:

Good bye packing and moving and the seemingly endless search for somewhere to live.

Good bye emergency surgeries.

Good bye landlord from another dimension (I swear, alien DNA MUST have been present in that mind... though that may be giving her brain too much credit).

Good bye to 2 friends that couldn't beat their illnesses.

Good bye to all of the tension and stress that all of these events have caused.

It's time for me to let all of you go.


Hello 2010 and your shining and endless boon of possibilities. I think we're going to get along just fine.


cheesefairy said...

To bright days ahead. Hugs to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

and to all of you XO