Thursday, April 5, 2007

Okay, folks.. here it is!

Three things you may not know about me, but may find interesting (if not, oh well...)

1. I have travelled quite a lot and speak 4 languages fluently (read AND write 3 of them).

2. I tend to have scarily accurate (demonstrated) premonitive/precognitive abilities.

3. Although I have some pretty clear ideas, I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Things on the list? Forensic Psychologist, Sign Language Interpreter (well, a little anyway), Arts Lobbyist and (as those reading the blog know I'm already working on...) Project Food for Thought. There's also Blue Peanut's initiatives - I could never NEVER give up the arts.

3a... okay, maybe this is cheating just a wee little bit, but it's related to #3... and I KNOW that no one knows about this because I've never said it before. I've never said it before because it's too close to me. I've never persued it BECAUSE it's too close to me and I'm afraid to try and fail. So, here goes. I would love to sing again. Perform, that is. For people. There. I said it. It's out there.

So there you go. That is all.


Queen of Hearts said...

i am jealouse of you language abilites.. that is hardcore

Urban said...

Thank you, Queen.