Monday, April 23, 2007

The funniest thing anyone ever said to me...

I've been known not to sleep. I've been known for my problems getting to/staying asleep. It's been going on for YEARS. Yes, that's why I look tired and yes, that's why I'm grumpy sometimes. I'm hoping that hypnotherapy can help me overcome that, as well as other issues. Saturday's the day, folks! I'm excited, and a bit scared, actually - it's a scary thought, letting someone roam around inside your head! I wonder if she's going to tape it?

Right. The funny bit. Awhile ago, Leon got up before me and took the girls out - so I didn't wake up; not until they got back several hours later and he woke me up after 14 - yes, 14 straight hours of sleep! His words to me? Well, it's great to see that the bags under your eyes are gone.... but they've left stretchmarks.

Update: my Saturday session has been cancelled by the therapist. Why? She has a crush on Leon and feels that working with me would be a conflict. Damn Hottie Husband!


Queen of Hearts said...

Oh no, that sucks your session was cancled. it sounded kewl. i hope you can set up another one with another therapist. and so this doesn;t happen again leave leon at home. hehe


Urban said...
