Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update time!

Man, when I asks for change, apparently I gets it!!! Like last year, but on a whole new level.

I've now sold my house (completes July 10th)... we've made it past the "removal of subject clauses" phase and into the "hopefully it'll all go smoothly" phase of existence.

I'm no longer at my well-hated job... I'm now training to be a Financial Advisor - pretty cool, actually. One of the exercises that I undertook prior to beginning was asking many friends and family members their objective opinions about how they think this career would suit me. Resounding (very nearly deafening) YESs followed, which certainly made the choice easier for me. Interesting process though... I am currently working on completing my IFIC Certification, which will allow me to apprentice with a firm, likely Investor's Group Financial. The process doesn't stop there though... 5 weeks of training with them, including insurance certifications and other requirements, then I'll be off to Winnipeg for 9 days to complete testing and certification. Once that's all done and I'm official, I can start helping people! I think it will prove to be fun, interesting and challenging with a big element of getting to meet and know new people - really looking forward to it. Of course, there's the scary aspect too - self-employment and building my clientele while trying to make enough money for us to live on. Weeeeeee!

Which brings me to the next step. Finding a place to live. Looking at the buying v. renting option... we shall see, we shall see. And of course there's the "where". Somewhere near skytrain would be preferable, I think... possibly New West. Won't know 'till I find it, I suppose.

PS - still working on the Club Med Turquoise post... SO much to share :)

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