Friday, January 5, 2007

The Tree is Down

The tree is down, the lights are down and I can finally see what my new curtains look like!

Crazy, I know. We've been renovating/remodelling our house for some time now - it's nearly done - and our new curtains arrived the same day that we put up the tree (which goes directly in front of the curtains)... so we haven't been able to see what they look like! They're perfect- so much better than I ever thought they'd look, coming out of a catalogue.

My girls have been at my Mom & Dad's since Wednesday and are coming home today to a much more well rested Mummy and Daddy. We've been eating when (and what) we like, watching movies and going to bed at a reasonable hour - not trying to stay up just so that we have a few minutes together - and I caught my hubby racing out of bed at 9 this morning to go to work (his schedule's pretty flexible, but he LIKES to be there by 9). All in all, the past few days have been very relaxing - with the possible exception of hiding from the JWs that came knocking on the door TWICE yesterday and for some reason camped out at the end of my driveway (!). Why do they DO that? No, don't answer - I actually know the answer - but really, WHY??? It's SO annoying.

Bringing me now to my next favourite gift of last year (which wasn't actually effective yesterday because apparently those people can't READ). A doormat. It reads "We love our vacuum, we've found God and we gave at the office. Thanks" I laughed SO HARD when my mum-in-law gave that to us! I love it when you can use humour to make a point - it's even kind of funny when the people knocking on my door don't get it.

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