Friday, January 19, 2007

Old Friends?

This post was entirely inspired by Sarah at In the Rough. What do you DO with the people that you used to know/be friends with/date? Everyone goes through it - life changes, moves, marriage, etc. and we grow apart from the people that we used to know and love.

Over the past year or so, many people that I used to have in my life have cropped up in memory - some of them being quite persistent enough to prompt visits to ye olde google to see if the 'net knows what they're up to. Some of them I managed to find, some not. I am SURE that I'm not the only one - but has it JUST been the last year or so?

I've had e-mails out of the blue from people that used to know me and found me by "googling" me (sounds like something sexy, donnit?). Likewise, I've surprised a couple of people myself with e-mails, even snail mail(!) for some of them. My hubby has also been contacted out of the blue from people that he hasn't seen for 10 years or more.

What IS this phenomenon? Is it that we suddenly have an urge to connect to our past? Is it that something in our lives is willing us to look back and learn, or perhaps look to seemingly "happier" memories.

Well, whatever the cause, I'm very happy to have connected with those people that I've been able to find. I do wish that I could find more though....

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