Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh my freakin' gawd. Gimme a break!

This is a rant. Please don't have ANY misconceptions going in.

The first thing I would like to say is that I have never NEVER had ANY problems with unnamed cable/phone/internet company in my history with them. They've been fantastic to and for me.

As you know, I moved over here June 7th, less than 1 week after studying for and writing an extremely involved examination. Great, right? Well... only kinda. I moved into the basement of my parent's new home, that they were remodelling and had not yet moved into. That part's pretty good. Then they began,slowly but surely, moving in. I had ordered separate internet service after my sister, who STILL, at 38, lives with my parents, moved MY internet modem into what would be my mum's office - leaving me without the internet that I needed for studying for my second, even more involved examination - as well as work. Push came to shove after I returned from a very intense training session in Winnipeg... I HAD to find a place to live... and NOW. They were moving in. Knowing my Mom and Sister as I do... I could not - let me emphasize this COULD NOT continue to live in that house if they were going to be there. Enter Hugh & McKinnon, my fabulous property managers... they found a house for me that I could move into almost immediately - so I began to make arrangements to have phone/internet/cable hooked up through aforesaid company. Yay me!

Not so much.

On the day that my internet/phone/cable were hooked up, my parent's phone was somehow disconnected. Sheesh. Okay - minor fuck-up, right? Easily fixed, right? Well, yes - but that didn't stop my Mom calling and yelling at me even though the company said they could come out the next day and re-connect their service. So - here we are - nearly a month later, and I'm STILL getting blamed for this. Mom was on the phone with them for (she claims) 3 hours today - and called me to ask to have their number from my account.

"???" I said

then, giving up on rational thought, agreed to call them.

I just got off the phone with them - explained the situation as I understood it, and asked them to remove their number from my account.

"???" they said.

The number in question was never, let me emphasize this NEVER on my account!

So. I called my mother to let her know. My sister answered. I just got yelled at by HER and blamed some more for their woes.

I think it's time for me to step back, yet again, from contact.

I officially give up. Not EVERYTHING can be my fault, m'dears. Somehow, at some point, you are all going to have to find another scapegoat... and for me, that time is now.

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