Saturday, March 15, 2008

Things, good and enh

Hmmm. The house still hasn't sold... been close a few times this week, with people requesting multiple viewings, but ultimately writing offers elsewhere. Enh. I imagine when the right person comes along, things will go along as they should - hopefully it will happen BEFORE the start date of the new job that I'll get soon :)... also? before Doc and I head out for a week of BLISS on Turks & Caicos!

This week is spring break for the girls. They're going over to their Granny's house for a visit, as neither their Dad nor I have the week off... I'm in training for work and Leon's a prof - reading week and spring break do not coincide. I'm a little upset about this. The boss (aka pointy hair) planned this training week AFTER I told him that it was spring break for the kids. I'm going to miss my girls; partly because they're away for over a week, but also because they will only be back for a little while before I'm on a plane and gone for 10 days too.

Apparently there is no such thing as a direct flight to Turks & Caicos. Who knew? We're flying first to Dallas, then to Miami (where we'll spend the night) - then we get on a plane and less than an hour later, we'll be sunning in the beautiful Caribbean. I've never been there before - nor has Doc. We're going to swim with the dolphins, sail, play some tennis and mostly just relax and have lots of time together - without ferries, or planning, or real life getting in the way. Maybe I will even be able to convince him to go diving with me ('course, according to our months-old bargain, that will mean me jumping out of a plane with him at some point... *insert appropriate squeaky noise here*).

And that's it... for now.

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